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Monday 28 February 2011

2.General Magazine Reaserch and Analysis

Magazine research
The magazine I have chosen to evaluate is called redbulletin and is produced by red bull
How is it promoted?
Redbulletin originated in Austria but now distributes in 6 different countries including the UK. They have teemed up with newspapers around the world to deliver the magazine in the UK they distribute with the Sunday times, in Germany they use the Münchner Merkur.  They are also sold in the USA and South Africa however I have not been able to find anywhere it is sold in the UK.

In Which media forms does it appear?
They have a facebook page
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Red-Bulletin/115044921846402?sk=info they also have a twitter account as well however this is in German as the company is originally Austrian
as well as its own website
On the website you can download past editions for free or read online, they also have loads of videos of the extreme sports that red bull sponsors as well as articles and their own TV channel which shows mainly extreme sports.
So the magazine can be downloaded viewed online and bought as an A4 paper copy
What is its unique selling point, feature article (what/who is it about)?
Redbulletin is released on the first Tuesday of every month. Each month features a main article about some famous person whether that’s a sports person or an actor. This month's is about Johnny Depp. They also focus on all the sporting activities that they sponsor such as skier cross, mountain biking and other extreme sports. However red bull tend to also go fort he more weird and wacky sports and enjoy entertaining you with articles about exiting new things going on in the world of sport. They also talk about, in this issue, chess boxing, ice cross downhill and extreme BMXing. However they touch on a wised variety of topics such as the red bull can art festival, looking back at the jet used in James bond, how an ice skater can spin and various other random topics. This magazine is definitely aimed at the extreme sportiest however its main selling point is that you are guaranteed something new and interesting on every page and that it is a magazine that you will read cover to cover,

What kind of style is it in (the way its presented colour theme font etc picture style how pages appear where text is?)?

It is presented with a half and half pictures and writing in a very simple style one which allows the reader not to be distracted from the article however does not bore one to tears with too many words.  Often at the beginning of a major article there is a double page spread with an effective photograph to catch the readers attention and so they know what the article is at a glance and also recognize that they have reached somewhere that they should stop and take a look. For example at the beginning of the article on skate boarding in Russia there is a double page spread of three boys walking along a wall with skate boards in hand with snow topped mountains in the background. The beginning of the magazine is mainly small articles updating regular readers about the progress of red bull sponsors and any new and interesting sports. Then there come the featured articles and then at the back there are the dates of all the up and coming red bull events such as the ice cross downhill in Munich. The magazine features the colours of its own can throughout the magazine red yellow blue and silver making sure to put in extra advertisements of their well known beverage. As you can see below a very simple yet attractive front cover with not too much clutter one of the double page spreads, again very eye catching, and at the bottom one of the pages near the front with short articles telling you all about the latest red bull endeavours.


I have created this blog to track my progress throughout my Alevel media practical exam. For this exam the task I am to undertake is to design and create a new music magazine and make a frontpage, introduction and a double page spread!