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Sunday 10 April 2011

Final Production Process and Results

These three images below show the final pieces that I managed to produce. They feature a front page, contents page and double page spread. All the photographs used throughout the whole magazine from the people to the album covers were taken by me which I am extremely proud of. In this process i will be briefly explaining how managed to create this 'masterpiece' I will  be showing you a few of the techniques that I used and how they were applied. The program that i used to edit and create the magazine was Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Before I could start selecting images to go on my front cover I had to set the size of the front cover which was going to be a portrait sheet of A4. so I went to file _ new _ international paper size _ A4. this gave me a blank A4 sized canvas to work on.

With the front cover I started by selecting an image which I thought would be suitable for the front cover. this needed to be a photo that was really eye catching. So I chose the picture with Arron laying on top of the high wall. I proceeded to remove the trees and the house with the clone stamp tool. This allows you to replicate a selected area, by doing this it meant I could remove any distractions from the subject.

Then using the magnetic lasso tool I selected each letter that I would be using for my title and copy and pasted them onto the front of my magazine placing each into the same layer so that I could maneuver them easily together.

I decided that I would place any text on the front of my magazine in a coloured rectangle then add a shadow to make this look 3D. To do this I inserted the text then drew a rectangle of solid colour on the layer beneath then by double clicking on the layer I selected the option to create a shadow then I set the degrees of the shadow, the length, the opacity and the amount of noise that the shadow had. this print screen below shows this.

When I had written in all the text on the front to advertise what content would be inside the magazine I added two images of Arron on the front to help advertise the main feature article in the magazine. I chose two pictures downsized them then selected them with the marquee tool, featured in the top left of the toolbar in photoshop. Then I right clicked and selected free transform in the drop down bar. Then I resized them and rotated them to a slight angle so that they weren't just boring and uniform then, like the text, I drew a white rectangle underneath each and repeated the shadow effect this made them look like old polaroid photographs.

The hand in the middle of the wall was created by me taking a picture of my own hand and then cutting it off at the wrist with the magnetic lasso tool. I then used the threshold effect to achieve the black and white effect using the  sliders to get the right balance between the two. Then I used the magic wand tool to select the white parts in the hand then deleted these to leave them open so you could see the background behind them. Then I altered the brightness and contrast to make the hand white then selected it and copy pasted it into the front cover image.

When I created the contents page I started by creating a blank A4 sized sheet using the same method for the front cover. Then I chose the image of the wood for the background using the 'image _ adjustments _ brightness/contrast and dragged the sliders to give me the right levels of light and colour so it wasn't to dark or faded. Then I cut out the letters for the "inside" text on the left the same way I had done it for the front cover with the magnetic lasso tool. this image below shows the dialogue box that appears for you to adjust the brightness and contrast

Then using the same techniques as before I created the text in the boxes and wrote the editors note at the bottom. Then I took a picture of my old iPod video opened it in photoshop and, using the same process as for the had on the front cover with the threshold tool, turned it black and white but deleted the screen on the iPod leaving it blank them copy pasted it into the contents page I then copied the 'Light up Festival' logo into the space so it looked as though the festival was being advertised on the screen. then using the paint tool I selected a star shape and painted the stars in black around the iPod.

To create the page numbers I used the same technique as i had used on the front cover for the 'MORE!' stamp. First I created a text box and wrote the number in then I selected the eraser tool and a  specific brush end to it that was patchy then I just erased small bits of the character for each page number to make it look like it had been stamped on.

For the double page spread I created an A3 sheet then swapped the measurements so that it was in proportion with the building and edited the brightness of both the images to make them match up.

Then I went to image _ adjustments _ desaturate. This gave both background images and Arron a greyscale effect which looked really effective. I then wrote the interview with the text tool using bold for the questions and normal for the answers. For the squares of white and purple text I used the same technique I have been applying throughout the magazine with the text box and the white rectangle beneath. Then I added the title for the article in the top left.

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