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Saturday 2 April 2011


I took my subject, one of my mates, down to richmond school I had brought him some shoes and asked him to wear a checked shirt and some skinny jeans as this fitted in with the style of  magazine I wanted to create.
Then we went into lower school. Using a cannon EOS 500 I took pictures in all the places I had prepared for asking to subject to stand sit and lie down in the ares I wanted to make up the shots. This involved things from being layed down on top of a 10ft wall to standing in a doorway.

If you look at these images and then at my magazine you will see which photos I may have used in my final magazine. Throughout the process of taking these photos I tried to focus on images that were diffrent and would attract the customers attention for example the heel click in the archway and the artist lying on top of the wall. These images are all diffrent and stand out amongst normal boring images and hopefully this helps my magazine stand out on the shelf when people come to buy my magazine.

I also went to France and took some photos in a city called Troyes these photos were mainly planned to be for use as background images mainly for things like the double page spread and the contents page. some of the photos that I took really captured the 'old' france with the shutters and crumbling walls as well as the ornate windows and doors. They also caught the sort of run down areas as well with graffiti wich has become quite popular in France which would have sort of mixed up the genre of my magazine if I had used some of these images making it look more like a street music magazine than a punk/rock genre.

I really like this photo I think one of the main reasons for this is because of the shutters which are beautiful old traditional shutters. I think that this could actually work quite well with my magazine adding to the rugged and rustic aesthetic that I want my magazine to hold

This is an effective photograph however with so much graffiti I don't think that this would fit in with the style of magazine I am creating.

Overall I think that my photoshoot(s) went rather well. I enjoyed doing them and was glad that I decided to do a recce and plan some of my shots before hand as this ment that it took less time and I knew what I wanted and didn't end up wandering around usure what to photograph.

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