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Thursday 22 December 2011

Audience Feedback 2

First impressions and comment on the layout of the magazine?
A very fresh and new look for a magazine, the layout is neat and the cover lines are easy to follow

Do the pages link together?
Yes the colours used on each of the pages are the same so the pages link that way

Does it appeal to the target audience of 15-30?

Does the magazine follow what other magazines are like and in what ways?
The magazine has all the appropriate conventions that a magazine needs, the front cover has the masthead, main image barcode etc and the contents page is detailed and has been split into the appropriate headings.

Which particular bits do you like, what would you change and why?
I really like the use of the editors note and the fonts used throughout the product. However I would maybe add some smaller images on the contents page to make it less wordy. 

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