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Thursday 22 December 2011

Audience Feedback 4

First impressions and Comment on the layout of the magazine dot he pages link together?
I like the fact that the colours are used throughout the three pages and it helps connect them together. The black and white images also provide continuity between the pages. I like all the images used they are interesting and make good use of simple rules of thirds and keeping the image clean.

Does it appeal to a target audience of 15-30

 Yes probably more like 17 to late 20s

Does the magazine follow what other magazines are like in what ways?

Nice large high quality photos with a good model in simple positions looks professional

What particular bits you like and why? Would you change anything?
And why?

I like the colours used and because they are simple and bold and they stand out well against the photographs. I like the photos I think they are professional looking and I also like the little picture of the guy doing a heel click in mid air on the double pages.

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