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Thursday 22 December 2011

Audience Feedback 3

Fi   first impressions and comment on the layout of the magazine
II think that this magazine stands out against other current magazines as the image is in black and white. This grabs the customer’s attention as magazines such as NME all use bright vivid coloured images. It follows the codes and conventions of magazine making as it has the title at the top, a mid shot image and articles around the side, the main feature written in the largest font

 Do the pages link together?
Yes with the use of black and white images, a teal colour and the fonts

 Does it appeal to TA of 15 to 30


 Does the magazine follow what other magazines are like and in what ways?
Yes- the layout, (see qu1)

Which particular bits do you like? What would you change and why?
Like- striking used and that they are in black and white
-          That the title is written using ‘magazine cut outs’
-          That there’s a lot of content on the contents page & DPS
Dislike- Could have included more images everywhere

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