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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Photo Shoot And Analysis

These are some of the images from my second photo shoot. I used a Canon digital camera, the same one that I use in my first photo shoot, to take pictures. Although some of these images look dark it didn’t matter as these can all be brightened and have the contrast adjusted in postproduction. My first mistake I made was to walk into the school canteen and pick a random student as my model, the problem with the person I used was that they had never done any modelling work before, couldn't be serious about what we were doing, and wasn't wearing the right clothing. I then decided to get different model and chose one of my friends from my media class, as I knew they would understand the seriousness of the occasion and do as I asked, and not mess around. However after getting him to jump twice, he hurt his ankle so then I had to move on to third model. My first loads of shots were designed to make the artist look fun, active and energetic. However after reviewing them they did not work as I'd hoped and would not fit in to my magazine, as one of the problems was that the background was too cluttered and this was distracting attention from the main character. I then decided to do some still shots with the character looking more thoughtful and serious, these photos came out a lot better and I found a few that would work for my magazine. I had not planned well for this, as at the same time as trying to rewrite my AS media work I've been trying to do my A2 was well this meant I had to split my time between both. The photos were taken at Richmond School around the site. This worked, as I was trying to present my artist as a fun character in an urban environment also in touch with nature. The site allows me to do this as it is surrounded by green fields and trees this contrasts with the concrete paving, and the hard edges and linear structure of the nearby buildings. Overall my photos shoot was productive although it took a long time to get it right I was pleased with the results and felt that I had some good, interesting and evocative shots. If I were to do my photo shoot again I would plan more carefully and make sure I had a proper model first time, so as not to waste time trying to find one. If I did do the photo shoot again I would still keep the location the same as I think it worked well.

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