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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Font Choice

For the front cover I used a font called impact.

I used this specific font because it was clear and easy to read and this style of font conformed with the media conventions of some of the magazines which I had looked at before and I was trying to liken magazine to Q magazine with its simple large font helping it to stand out on the newsstand. I used this throughout my magazine mainly because of its ease of reading.

I used 2 other different fonts in my magazine both were on my Double page spread. I used a font called Tiza for the name of the artist because it was different and funky and It stands out loads because the other fonts used int eh magazine are simple this makes the diffrrent ones stand out even more. I used andother font on my Double page spread American typewriter. I used this because it added some dynamics to the page and a different style. It also fitted in with the old style French shutters with the font looking a little decrepid and the fact that typewriters are classed as an older type of writing instrument.

American typewriter

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