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Thursday 24 March 2011

Mock Ups

 Images below are just some quick sketch ideas I think I could use for my front cover of my magazine as well as the contents page. I sketched these with a pencil and a pen then I scanned them into my laptop, then opened them up in powerpoint put labels on them ad saved them as .jpg files.

This font cover design above would all be set up as though its taken on a fridge using magnetic letters to create the title, then polaroids to show the images and info on the side. I think that the fridge is a good idea however im not sure if this particular image would particularly attract enough customers. Also it does not have enough "stuff" on it and so is not very interesting.

This front cover above would be arranged on top of some wooden floorboards or could be bare brick with items arranged on top such as the ticket stub and guitar. I like this image as it reflects the "mash" from mash up as though the objects have just been thrown there all messy. This is quite a funky style that I think may attract a reader. Again I would use the magnetic fridge letters to create the title. The wooden floorboards would reflect the ruggedness and mess of things.

I like this idea as it is different and would definitely stand out as a contents page. It would be taken with the inside of the fridge door and some objects like the milk and ketchup left in it. Then I would photoshop things like the list and the post it. It is funky and weird and certainly brightens the contents page up.
This is my favorite contents page as it is full of "things" which makes it more interesting and fun again a wooden floorboard background with things spread out across it. The idea is to keep it all random and messy or "mashed up".

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