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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Planning my photoshoot

I have looked on the internet for suitable locations for my photoshoot for my frontcover and double page spread. I have decided that I think I will be using Richmond Lower school on the banks of the river swale in North Yorkshire. I have looked at some images on the internet and visited the school webiste and it looks like a suitable locations for the kind of shots I want. I will go and have a quick scout of the location before I go for the final photoshoot taking a few images and so that I can see where would be the best places for me to take photos.

Here are a few of the images I have found on the internet of the school site which I am going to scout.

This is the link to the school website

For my photoshoot I will be using a Canon EOS digital and a small tripod and possibly a large one for the shots. This will allow for high quality images as well as ease of use and the amount of images available to save on the memory card. I have not yet decided wether to be in the photos and use the self timer and the tripod to set up the shots or to take the photos manualy and have someone else as the subject focus.by using a digital camera it will also allow me to look at my images immediately after taking them, combined with having a large memory card this means I can take lots of photos so I have lots to play around with. this has huge advantages over using a conventional film camera as you only have a small limited number of photos per film and you cant check the shot after you've taken it. However the quality of the image on a  digital camera is only as good as the amount of megapixels it has but the Canon camera I will be using has 10MP so it should be adequate for the task in hand.

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