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Wednesday 2 March 2011

Research: Q magazine front cover analysis

I have first looked at Q magazine as part of my research. The first thing I noticed was the title of the magazine ‘Q’ in the top left corner. It’s a simple logo but also very large making it easy to see and the red makes it stand out. One of the continuing themes throughout all of these separate magazine front covers is the keeping of red and white and using it in the text on all the front covers. Having looked at countless Q magazine front covers I have noticed that they all seem to be either as head and shoulder close up shot of the artist or shot showing from the feet upwards. They also seem to use one particular font throughout the whole front cover and then just change the size in according to how important that is. However they do change the font, on the front cover with Lady Gaga they use different fonts and artists down the right-hand side this makes them stand out more. The name of that feature artist is the largest piece of text on the front cover apart from the title, this makes it stand out and shows people who the image is on the front and who the feature artist is in the edition.  They also have a tagline at the top of the magazine  which tells the reader  or new readers what the magazine is all about. Each magazine also has a barcode on the website and price. This allows the reader to see how much the magazine will cost and gives them easy access to extra material via the Internet. The price of magazine is important and often  depends on how often each edition is released. For example a monthly magazine will often cost more than a weekly or daily magazine, because the reader is buying less often to the company needs to make more money per magazine. The front cover featuring Florence and the machine also has an offer at the top of free music I think this would be a good thing to do in my magazine as it attracts more people to buy a magazine as the offer of something that is free rarely seems to have been turned down by the public.

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