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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Mood Boards

These are the proper final mood boards. These images reflect what I want the genre of my magazine to be. the first one I simple but shows the blend of thr urban enviroment we are surrounded by and how rock can integrate into it particularly with the drum kit in the middle of the road and the arctic monkeys poster I placed on the road. Also the large microphone on the right gives off connotations of using music as a form of free speech. However all of these images work well togather and this is the sort of style I want to acheive when I create my final magazine. These are all images taken off the internet and I have then photoshopped them into a base image, the one of the empty street, using the lasso tool with the feather set accordingley to the size of the image so that I dont get hard lines on the edge of  each image allowing them to blend in. I think the black and white in this mood board was really effective however in my magazine especially on the fornt cover I will need to include colour as this will be more eye catching!

The second mood board I have created is american themed with a route 66 sign, american flag, american eagle etc. My favorite thing about this mood board is that it all sort of melts into one and you get that feeling of rugged american traveling the highways in the hot sun! living the good life. Although I dont think this is what I will theme my final magazine on, if I was to do two this would be my second choice, I would probably feature an artist like madonna in her earlier years as a musician. I created this using the opacity tool to help subtly blend pictures together. Both mood boards were yet again created on photoshop which I am growing to like more and more every time I use it!

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