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Wednesday 16 March 2011


I have created a survey to help me see what my target audience are looking for in a magazine


This is the link to the survey!

I have also used Facebook to help advertise my survey so that I can get more people to allow me to have more accurate market research. I created a Facebook 'event' then invited all of my friends so that they can tell me if they are going to be doing the survey.

By using facebook this is a very easy way to accumulate market research as it involves less effort for me and for the potential customers, they don't even have to move form their computer. However because it is so easy to just click on as many or little answers as you want this could allow them to just choose whichever is easiest. I have tried to overcome this by only putting on a smaller amount of questions which I could so that the customer does not get bored when filling in their answers.

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