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Thursday 24 March 2011

The Survey and its results

This is what the survey looked like. I used a free online service called Quibblo (http://www.quibblo.com/) this  allowed me to create a simple survey and it gives the results in a graph instantly. As well as advertising it through Facebook I also sent out emails to my Friends and got people in my media class to take part as well. Using the website was a quick and easy way to get results for market research as well as being free.

The Results

Q1. If you were to buy a music magazine what genre would it be?

This was a very important question as if you don't know what the customer wants to be reading about then there is no point in creating a magazine. This question showed me that the winner by far was Indie. Most people that took my survey wanted to read this type of magazine and this has helped my to finally decided that I will be doing a indie/rock magazine as these were the most popular results.

Q2. In a music magazine what would you expect to read about?
These answers were key to allowing me to know what to include in my magazine and what to advertise what would be inside the magazine. I think that due to the high numbers on all of the categories I will try and include all of these in contents page as well as putting some on the cover. I think that the front cover of my magazine may feature a new and up and coming band as this is the selection which got the most votes. And I may also make the double page spread article on them as well.

Q3. I am thinking of doing a rock/indie magazine for my final project much like Kerrang etc please select which names you think would be appropriate?

For this question I thought up some names that i thought would be appropriate for the type of magazine that I was thinking of doing. The three names which stand out are Clash, Mash Up and BLARE! the problem with the name Clash is that there is a well known band called The Clash therefore people might not associate the name with the magazine meaning that it would make the magazine less unique. Therefore I have to choose between Mash Up and BLARE! and the only way to decide this is what the target audience is voting for which seems to be Mash Up so this will be the name that I will be using.

Q4. In a music magazine would you rather read:
This allowed me to determine what length of article people want to read in my magazine and this is helping me to understand how long the article will be on the double page spread. The results show that people want to read medium length articles with some images. This is what I ill try and deliver.
Q5. What do you think would make you buy a magazine?

These results tell me what thing I need to concentrate on when I am creating the magazine as it shows what attracts people when they are buying magazines allowing me to combine all the things that people are looking for in a magazine when they are browsing for one. I now know that i need to concentrate on these things when I am creating my magazine in decending order of importance:
1.Main image on the front cover
2. layout of front cover and Price
3. Content lots of images
4.Title of the magazine, Monthly, Weekly
5.content less images.
From these I will definitely be focusing my main efforts on the front cover which is what seems to be attracting people to buying it and then work my way through the rest of the suggestions.

Overall I am extremely pleased with the results of the survey and I am very glad that I decided to do one. the fact that i did it online and used facebook to advertise it allowed me to tap into my target audience and find out what they were thinking. By keeping the whole thing shot and sweet, simple to understand and answer, I think it meant that people were more willing to get involved as it required less effort for them. It was a very effective way of carrying out market research and has helped me to make some difficult decisions such as the name of my magazine and genre.

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